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Thank you for completing our Puppy Application and giving us insight on how the puppy will be raised.


You may also call or text us at: 918-850-5686

Thanks again,

Hunter Ridge Kennels, LLC

Name and Contact number*

Email *

Is there a specific puppy you are interested in? INPUT Puppys Name below.

Are you a first time pet owner?

What Breed are you interested in?

Of the "breed" you are interested in-have you owned one before? If not, what breeds have you owned?

What animals are in the household?

Are there children in the home? (our puppies are VERY used to kiddos). Ages of kiddos please?

Will you be doing any obedience training?

We HIGHLY recommend (BUT DO NOT REQUIRE) that you NEUTER/SPAY your puppy. By doing so, you reduce risk of cancer...Yes/no/undecided?..

Do you have a Veterinarian picked out?

Will the puppy be an indoor or outdoor dog?

Where did you FIND us advertised?

Thank you! Your message was sent successfully.


Chelsea, Oklahoma

Flights out of Tulsa International Airport WEEKLY!

Email Us 


Call Us!   918-850-5686

Copyright 2005-2024 All Rights Reserved

All pictures are Property of Hunter Ridge Kennels, LLC

Hunter Ridge Kennels, LLC reserves the right to have final say in "Placing" a puppy


Miniature Pinscher

Miniature Pinscher puppies

Min pin breeder

Miniature Pinscher breeder

Jack Russell Terrier

Rough coat Jack Russell

Jack Russell

Jack Russell puppies

Jack Russell Terrier breeder

Miniature Dachshund breeder


Min Pin

Puppy for sale

Puppies for sale

Reputable Kennel

Miniature Dachshund

Miniature Dachshund puppies

Mini Dachshund

Dachshund puppies Miniature​



Hunter Ridge Kennels

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